iPad Integration for SCS Students
iPads are opening up an entirely new dimension for education and students at SCS will soon be able to take full advantage of their capabilities.
This month we launch Phase I of the Southlands iPad Integration Project. During Phase,
I of the integration, the Biology Department, along with every Southlands teacher, will be equipped with an iPad for learning.
This means that from elementary all the way through high school, teachers will be equipped with
an iPad device and numerous educational apps.
These apps will help bring the curriculum to life allowing students to engage and interact with the
curriculum in ways that were not previously possible.
In addition to teachers having the device, all students who are currently enrolled in Biology will have access to a device during Biology class.
They will be testing digital curriculum, virtual labs, and many other science apps that are available on the device.
Phase I of this project is intended to be completed at the end of the current semester,
and the goal for Phase II is to equip every SCS secondary student with an iPad device for learning.
The benefits of using iPad devices within schools are many, but the primary motivation
at Southlands is to increase student learning.
To learn more about this project, please visit our website at southlandscs.com/iPad_Integration.
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