Lysol Blue Ribbon Attendance Challenge

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    November is here and fall has finally arrived, bringing in the cold and flu season. In an effort to get our students to stay healthy and warm, Southlands Christian Elementary School is participating in the Lysol Blue Ribbon Attendance Challenge. The challenge, sponsored by Lysol, consists of each class tracking their attendance for the month of November. Classes with good attendance will be entered into the Lysol Challenge. They will qualify for cash prizes ranging from $500 to $10,000! We are excited to participate in this challenge, and we encourage our families to partner with us in keeping all of our students healthy during the fall and winter months.

    Sometimes, the best prevention is simple, and that is to teach students how illnesses spread and how to avoid getting sick.

    So let’s wash our hands together in hopes that at least one of our classes will qualify for a cash prize.

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