Southlands Students “See You at the Pole”

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    Our prayer as a school continues to be to educate students to have an impact in society for the glory of God.

    Yesterday, our students joined thousands of others across the nation to pray for their school and the country. It was a blessing to watch as they took steps towards prayerfully changing the world and bringing the Kingdom of God down to earth.

    Southlands Students “See You at the Pole”

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

    Southlands Students "See You at the Pole"

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