Embracing Community: A Message From The SLC President

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    This year, the Southlands blog will periodically feature voices from across campus. Students, faculty, and staff will share their thoughts and have a chance to share their heart with the rest of the Southlands family in this space.

    This week, we hear from the Student Leadership Council President Sabrina Chueh, who shares some thoughts from the first week of school.


    When I first came to America, I was full of excitement for what was ahead. But I also missed home like crazy. Whenever I struggled with something, I would always doubt my decision to come to America. But God helped me to remember that He brought me here for a good reason, even when I couldn’t see it sometimes. With that in mind, I began to reach out to teachers and find ways that I could serve the school, and it has been so different ever since. The amount of support and care I have received was way more than I could have done for this school, and I was surprised to realize that I now had a place to call home. There are people here who truly care about me, and it has been such an impact in my life ever since.

    Because we want this to be the experience of every new student at Southlands Christian, the Student Leadership Council has been at the front gate to greet students each morning. One of the main goals of SLC is to create a friendly campus and make each student feel like they are a part of a bigger family. Our SLC members have sacrificed their sleep because they understand that each student is going through different things in life. We want to show them that it doesn’t matter where they come from, and that there is someone here that welcomes them and would like to be friends with them.

    At first, some of our fellow students were shocked by us and gave shy responses. But by the second day, these students began to greet us first! Each positive response has encouraged us to know that our effort has made an impact in making our school a better place. More importantly, we want to be a reflection of Jesus Christ’s love for others.

    Our hope is that this friendly atmosphere does not end after the first week, but becomes a habit we build together as a school throughout the year. SLC is going to continue to do what we can to achieve this goal, and we are going to need each and everyone of you to participate and become a member of this great family!

    So if you are ever struggling with a different environment, don’t say “no I can’t do it because it’s just too different.” Yes, it is different. Acknowledge that life is not ever going to be the same; things are going to come at you unexpectedly. But trust me on this: if you are willing to face it with a positive attitude, it’s going to expand your world like you have never imagined before. So before you give up and say “it’s just too different,” don’t forget that there is a God who’s almighty and He has the perfect plan for you.

    – Sabrina


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